I mentioned in one of my recent posts the importance of using the 21 day fix as a tool and not an actual fix. 21 days will not fix my life long habits and addictions, but it is certainly a start.
I began the program Tuesday and so far I love it! To be fair, I am not following it exactly 100% because I don't think I could do that for looong periods of time, so I am doing a slightly modified version. Really, the only thing that is different is that I use butter now and then on my winter squashes. :-) Also, by doing a modified version I had a non-scale victory when I went to MOE's for dinner (instead of eating at the bar I play trivia at that had no "healthy" choices) and ordered a Joey Jr on a whole wheat tortilla with extra chicken, LOTS of pico, a little shredded cheese and sour cream. While I wasn't able to figure out exactly how to count it, I know I got in a nice amount of protein, the tortilla probably counted as two yellow (carb) containers and I tried to get my veggies in with the pico. It was delicious and was a MUCH better choice than I would have made before starting this program.
What I love about the program is that it is teaching me the proper portions and the propers amount of what to eat throughout the day. I haven't been able to get in the right amount of veggies yet- but I am working on it. :-) Thats sort of the whole point here- I could be eating all of the terrible stuff I was before and go an entire week without eating any veggies, or I can follow their plan to the best of my abilities and get full on fruits and veggies and lean proteins and yogurt and protein shakes.
The other part of their program that I have modified is the fitness portion. The 21 Day Fix comes with 6 work outs on dvds for you to do everyday of the 21 days (one work out a day, rotated). I have decided that for me it is best to focus on the food first, so this first week all I am doing just that. Next week I will introduce a fitness program. I am interested to try out the dvds, although I am a little nervous! I actually have a goal next year of participating in a walking pilgramage (I will write more about that at a future date) so my training program will focused around getting in shape for that.
Now for my starting weight-
On Tuesday September 25th, 2014 I weighed in a stagering 307.6 pounds. This is still nearly 30 pounds less than my highest weight ever of 336, but I had hoped to never climb over 300 again once I did Ideal Protein. I am hoping for a big loss in the first week as I drop all those extra sugars and water that my body holds onto while I am binge eating terrible foods, but I also want to keep it in perspective. If It isn't a huge loss, that's okay. The point is I am making better choices for my body and in long run I will be much better off.
This weekend my sister and I are hosting a ladies night at our house and you can bet I will not be on plan for that, although I will probably eat light early in the day so that I can eat more of the heavy foods in the evening. Also, this is not something that happens all the time, so it isn't a temptaion that will pop up every week or several times a week. It is one of those things that when it comes up, I am going to enjoy the fatty, salty, sweet deliciousness that is before me, and then sunday I eat clean again. :-)
On a much more somber note- I ask that anyone who reads this says a prayer for two members of the clergy in our diocese and their families. Deacon James Delaney passed away September 25th, may he rest in peace. Also, Father Nick Mukama Mboga's mother is gravely ill all the way in the African country from which Fr. Nick hails. (Forgive me for not knowing exactly where he is from.) It is my understanding that he will be taking a leave of abscense to be with his family durring this difficult time. Please pray for Fr. Nick, his mother, and all of his family, that God may grant them the grace to accept His will and healing for their hearts.
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