In my case the lost thing is my husband. Oh where, of where for art thou Romeo? Perhaps Anthony can help me find him? One of my Tumblr friends, Marial, suggested we do a novena to the saint asking for his assistance. This is something that I have been contemplating for several weeks, so I took her suggestion as the little push I needed to go ahead and do it.Tony, Tony,look around.
Something's lost
and must be found!
There are many, many saints that we single Catholics can go to for guidance and friendship in prayer regarding finding the right spouse. Of course, my go-to (and everyone's, I think) is Jesus. He tells me, and I feel it in my heart, that ultimately He is my husband. He loves me more and better than any human man could love me, and He is an excellent provider. But knowing my heart, He also knows how badly I want a lifelong male companion to share life's joys and sorrows with. To share marital bonds and embraces with. To create and raise children with. These are things that He cannot do for me, but He tells me He has someone in mind. Who, He will not say!
Other than going directly to Our Lord, we can also look to St. Joseph, Mary's "most chaste spouse" to pray and make suggestions of good and worthy men or women on our behalf. Or Our Holy Mother, Herself. Every mother wants to see her children married off to good and holy people! Or St. Rafael, who is credited with bringing Tobias and Sarah together at God's command.
We tend to ask our friends and family if they know anyone who might be good for us, so too should we ask our friends and family in heaven!
My main goal through this novena is to ask for St. Anthony's help in prayer, but also to listen to him and to God as they direct my way.
What does He need me to do in order to get from point A to point B?
And how am I supposed to do it?
Maybe it's not my husband who is lost... maybe it's me?
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